If you recommend DFM services to your clients, you need to know how they might approach these 4 things differently to each other.
by Damian Davies on 09·06·2020
This article was first published in Money Marketing.
by Damian Davies on 09·06·2020
This article was first published in Money Marketing.
by on 19·05·2020
The UK’s new target to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 means the UK are the first major economy in the world to set such a target into law.
by Emma Bond on 12·05·2020
With the FCA's upcoming guidance on vulnerable clients, this article helps you understand how to identify a vulnerable client and simple measures you can implement to ensure you apply appropriate levels of care.
by Becky Colley on 29·04·2020
Culturally, we have been happy with what a map is and does for quite a long time. The oldest known maps are preserved on Babylonian clay tablets from about 2300 B.C. and they have served our purposes perfectly well up to the late 1990s. Then along came the young upstart ‘Satellite Navigation’.
by on 20·04·2020
Firstly, I hope you are all keeping safe and well. The community we are building with these articles is one that likes to think about things a little differently to the norm. We have operated as a 'virtual' business for around 18 years now, so have picked up a few handy tips which we are happy to share.
by Damian Davies on 19·03·2020
Within the tsunami of COVID-19 messages from organisations, you may have missed The FCA’s guidance published on the 17th March 2020. There were four passages that I felt deserve a bit of closer scrutiny to see what they mean for you, your business and your clients.
by on 03·03·2020
Transferring between platforms made easier When platforms came along, they felt like a utopian solution to replace the old, tied insurance products.
by on 17·02·2020
If you are not careful, you could help clients sleep walk into a cliché, and boy is it the naffest cliché in our industry; “Nothing is certain but death and taxes,”
by on 14·01·2020
‘Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone. Prevent the dog barking with a juicy bone. Silence the pianos and with muffled drum. Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come’.
by Becky Colley on 13·12·2019
Cash-flow forecasting has become, in recent years, a significant tool in the modern Financial Planner’s service proposition. Technology has been a big driver of this with cash-flow forecasting tools available which can be utilised in front of a client on mobile devices with various scenarios played out.