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4 scenarios where pension freedoms could cause your clients a real problem, and what you can do about them.

by on 01·03·2023

Pension freedoms, introduced in 2015, offered most people major changes to pension death benefit options and taxation. With all these added flexibilities and tax benefits, you could be forgiven for thinking why would you want to consider anything else for your clients’ pension pot. There are, however, several scenarios when the new flexibilities could be a hindrance rather than a benefit.

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How global ageing populations will affect any client you have that is younger than 71.

by Alicia Hager on 18·11·2022

We sometimes hear clients say that ‘accumulation’ (pre retirement) clients need less frequent reviews than retired clients. There is some logic to this, but when there is the obligation to review clients annually under MiFID it is also a great chance to manage clients expectations about their future. In this article, Alicia explores how global ageing populations will affect any client you have that is younger than 71

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