Three tools for perfect factfinding
by Damian Davies on 17·11·2023
It feels like the art of factfinding often gets diluted by the science of compliance.
by Damian Davies on 17·11·2023
It feels like the art of factfinding often gets diluted by the science of compliance.
by Niki Gahan on 04·05·2023
The Lifetime ISA (LISA) scheme was launched by the Government in 2017 to help ‘millennials’ onto the property ladder. With a generous Government Bonus of 25% on a maximum contribution of £4,000 grossing this up to £5,000, this can provide a real boost and incentive to save for first time buyers.
by on 17·04·2023
If you are debating flexible or even home working, for you or your team, this might be a useful shared experience.
by Alicia Hager on 20·03·2023
In July 2022, the United Nations announced that the world’s population is due to reach 8 billion by the end of the year and that, for the first time, India will surpass China as the world’s most populous country by 2023.
by on 09·03·2023
We have heard it a thousand times; ESG investing, and I use that term to describe any investment with Ethical, Social or Governance considerations, is on the rise and advisers have be speaking to clients about it at their annual reviews.
by on 01·03·2023
Pension freedoms, introduced in 2015, offered most people major changes to pension death benefit options and taxation. With all these added flexibilities and tax benefits, you could be forgiven for thinking why would you want to consider anything else for your clients’ pension pot. There are, however, several scenarios when the new flexibilities could be a hindrance rather than a benefit.
by on 27·02·2023
Recently, the FCA have provided further insight about the price and value outcome through their Inside the FCA podcast with the FCA’s Head of Competition Policy, Ed Smith.
by Damian Davies on 07·02·2023
FT Adviser were keen to know what I think about Paraplanners. I think I may have been a bit grumpy when I was chatting to them!
by Alicia Hager on 18·11·2022
We sometimes hear clients say that ‘accumulation’ (pre retirement) clients need less frequent reviews than retired clients. There is some logic to this, but when there is the obligation to review clients annually under MiFID it is also a great chance to manage clients expectations about their future. In this article, Alicia explores how global ageing populations will affect any client you have that is younger than 71
by Damian Davies on 14·11·2022
MiFID reviews need you to give ongoing, usually annual advice to clients. This gives you a great chance to continually tweak the client’s plans. In this article, I explore ways to manage clients expectations and help them understand what the future looks like.